TJaV - network clients
The multiuser access to a database
- Here the network client for simultaneous access to the basis is offered. In the client only access forms. In the basis there should be only tables. (But at the basis there are access forms that it was possible to address to tables directly from it.) the Volume of the network traffic in the client is minimised also function of a total load of the review of a tree is emulated - surveyed positions of a tree are loaded only. All table of records is not loaded into forms. But each time the form requests a minimum of the information for display of the data.
Function of incomplete loading of the review of a tree slows down each reference to the table of branchings. But it is convenient for huge databases where the delay of loading of the review of a tree is unacceptable. In that case it is possible to use the network client in a usual mode of own tables. For this purpose it is necessary to copy all tables in the network client from the basis and to erase a network way to the basis.
It is a little theory
Simultaneous work of users separately with a copy of base and the subsequent modification of uniform base is complicated. Communications are adhered to numbers of positions in tables of branchings (or sheet). Therefore, addition or removal of positions in copies of bases and the further addition of these records in the basis, will lead to mess of the communications of other users attached to them.
(We will admit, since position N one user has added in the table of branchings of record and communication to them. Other user in the copy did the same and subsequently began to supplement the basis table with the records beginning already with N + 32 positions. And it made communications to positions beginning with N.
Though tables of communications (on diagrammes or communication many-to-much) have rhombuses sequence identifiers, in them it is possible to add and delete positions safely.)
For access of several users to a database there are some basic methods.
- Database remarks. The client grasps exclusive access to base, copies it on the car, makes changes to a copy on the local computer and then sends changes to the basis. This form is more convenient for access through the Internet. The remark tells all tables together with forms that increases its volume. Therefore it is more preferable to leave in the basis only tables.
- Tables are in the basis, and in programs of remote clients - only screen forms of access to the data. At simultaneous change of the same record in the basis table the message and operation stands out is prevented. Such scheme more approaches for work in a local network of the enterprise. (Speed of an exchange of the network traffic big enough for work in a real time mode.)
For "Universal каталогизатора".
It is better to use a usual variant "Universal каталогизатора" with a total load of trees since in it errors of branching of a tree are better processed.
- It is necessary to notice that names of buttons of the basic seven subjects-catalogues are in the network client. And though by means of it you can address to any base with tables, names of buttons remain that are specified in the network client. (In general if the network client worked with catalogues about philosophy and you by means of it have addressed to other base with tables about medicine you can make changes also, simply names of buttons of the main things that will about philosophy.)