To create LIBRARY of music*1, pictures or books and to specify grouping parametres: an album, the comment, year, the author, a genre (style), mood, an estimation*10.
To make cross SAMPLE on these parametres; for example, songs from estimated above "four", with rate "more low vigorously"; or some picture of the countries of the east for the necessary period of years.
To reproduce or copy the chosen files on PHONE, considering total amount and sounding time.
To create SHORTCUTS in a separate folder; for example, for viewing of the chosen images.*5
The help at addition of new files: group search of similar names in library; convenient comparison on quality.
Text search in group of documents.
Group correction of ways of shortcuts.*6
Loading in the program of names of files in which specify shortcuts.*1
In library of PICTURES or BOOKS, in a column "Album" it is possible to specify the second variant of the author, for conformity to a foreign and domestic writing.*8 In a column "Comment" to specify the country.*10 255 positions of a genre*12 to rename into styles; for example rococo, baroque, a fantasy... To Specify year of birth of the author.
Folder with the name to "Disassemble" know not only computer managers.
Instant sample of COPIES on the identical size, duration, the name of files.
Fast search of similar names in library, without the reference to a disk.*2
Or search of the files similar to added points of the list.
And further comparison compared, (found and added) positions on Bitrate*3, to file and duration volume.
Even, it is possible to find similar authors.*7*8
It is possible to load catalogue structure into the program, to open the program on other computer, to finish loading a copy of the catalogue and to compare parametres of files without connection on a network.
The library of books is a folder with the subdirectories, containing as text documents (doc txt html), and graphic books (pdf djvu fb). Group or interactive*4 search of a fragment will be made in text documents.
Export of the data in Excel or Word. For example, it is possible to make group transfer of names of files and to specify them in теге "Heading".*9
*1 - The program is focused on musical mp3-files, with editing ID3-tegov of version 1. ID3 version 1 is a small tail in the end of a file from 128 letters (bytes), four тега on 30 letters: heading, the actor, an album, the comment, year and the figure designating a genre. At desire, they can be written down in a file. And ID3-tegi modern version 2 remain in a file. Attention! At editing тегов in an observer or in Windows Media Player they will remain in version 2 and are duplicated in version 1. ID3 (meta data) — Wikipedia
*2 - the Reference to a computer disk - long process; (mechanics of the winchester or access time to a solid-state SD-disk). Therefore, the folder of search (library) is read only once and remains in the latent table of the program. Further, search occurs instantly that is important for search of positions by search of identical names. Thus it is possible to load only the necessary expansions of files that accelerates search. It is possible to load files into the open table. Actually, Windows Media Player does the same: at primary viewing of a folder with music, creates a database with version 2 ID3-tags. In it probably to specify it is a lot of parametres which usually are not necessary. And the player often gets confused in them, loading the processor.
*3 - Bitrejt - quality of compression of a musical file.
*4 - Interactive search - documents will open in process of a finding, with text allocation.
*5 - Show only folder shortcuts the free, portable observer of images ACDSEEx32 v2.44 can.
*6 - it is important at change of folder name or for several shortcuts of one file.
Conveniently simultaneous use of a copy of the program; a mode "the Kind - Shortcuts".
*7 - the Author is a group factor. For example, in 20 thousand positions of their files can be 2 thousand; i.e. search goes on 2 thousand
*8 is it makes sense for authors from the countries where are specified: a surname, some the added names, a pseudonym, a variant of a writing of a name in English and a native language.
*9 - Actions: to Translate the form of files in a datasheet view. To copy all column "Heading" in Excel or Word, to translate names, (to allocate all in Word,) to insert a column back.
*10 - Here the length of the comment is limited by 26 letters. In expanded format ID3 of version 1.1 last two bytes from 30 is number of a track. It is any way changed by me to parametre "mood". I used two More bytes for an estimation. (I start with the assumption that you have the right to supplement the comment of your file in two figures.)
*11 - It is admissible, you should find the text in subdirectory "the Subject 8".
You copy the program. Load into the pure table of the program catalogue documents.
Then, in a mode "Shortcut-file", the program the program will add only files in which specify shortcuts.
It is possible to keep this list of files for the subsequent search.
*12 - Identifiers of genres:
0-79 - standard;
80-191 - extensions Winamp; 142-147 - version 1.91; 148-191 - version 5.6.
By me are arbitrarily added: 192 - the "Children's song"; 193 - the "Author's song", (an equivalent "Acoustics").
253-255 - arbitrarily added, technical positions; are not genres; (an asterisk before the text).
The help
For constant library it is not necessary to change a search folder. Names of files are loaded into the open table from the latent table,*2 together with identifiers of positions. It accelerates procedure of search of SIMILAR names in the catalogue. (Search in the open table does not influence.) having changed a search folder in the program and having overloaded the latent table, identifiers will be lost also. After returning of a former folder of search, identifiers can not coincide.
For other libraries use a program copy.