TJaV - Options
Options Access for comfortable work
- Start a file with expansion.mde.
- Adjustment for Access 2003 is shown in demos-rollers.
- !!! The program does not contain dangerous macroes. Preventions MS Office Access at opening are standard messages for any database. To enter into base without the prevention of system of safety:
- 1) MS Office Access 2007 (without this adjustment will not open):
- - (From above, at the left) round button "Office"; in the revealed window (below, on the right) the button "Parameters Access"; in the revealed window (at the left) the button "the Command control centre safety"; (below, on the right) the button "Parameters of a command control centre safety":
- - In the revealed window (at the left) "Parameters of macroes": (on the right) the switch "to Include all macroes"
- Or (at the left) "Reliable arrangements": to add a folder path with the program.
- 2) MS Office Access 2003 (the panel button from above):
- - Service - the Macro - Safety - safety Level - Low.
- - Tools - Macro - Security - Low.
For Access 2007:
- To clean a top panel:
- To the right of the top round button - the dropping out menu (стрелочка): to remove a tick "to Curtail a tape"; (the bottom position).
- (From above, at the left) round button "Office"; in the revealed window (below, on the right) the button "Parameters Access":
- - In the right half - "the Current database"; in the left half:
- - The top section "Parameters of applications":
- - To clean a tick "Status bar";
- - To put a tick "to Compress at closing";
- - The section more low to clean a tick "Area of transitions".
For Access 2003:
- That windows of forms on a task bar were represented by one window, remove a tick in options MS Access:
- - Service - Parameters - the Kind - a tick "Windows in a task bar".
- - Tools - Options - View - Checkbox "Windows in Taskbar".
- Here again:
- - A tick "Status bar".
- - Checkbox "Status bar".
- For the task of the name of base in the top title of the application enter the text in the field:
- - Tools - Start - application Heading
- - Tools - Startup - Application Title
- In the client at the reference to the tree review from above there is a panel. Remove a tick:
- - A kind - Toolbars - a form mode
- - View - Toolbars - Form View
For the program:
- The help file should be called Contact.chm and be in the same folder, as the program. Choose the help file for the language, rename it (in "Contact.chm" or "HelpUDB.chm") and place in a folder with the program.
- Keep your serial number and a name. At updating of programs to following versions, they should be brought anew.